This kit is probably the most complete and very interesting kit among other kits we have. Autoglym Polar Collection has products that complete the car washing process with touch-free details with the use of a pressure water.
This product kit starts with pre-washing, washing, up to the sealing of your car paintworks. It bears a snow foam with exceptional quality formulation that is highly recommended for pre-washing or touchless wash. It includes a product that can make a foam blanket for your car to firmly remove all the dirt, contaminants and extensive grease.
Moreover, the kit has a product that provides quick and easy gloss finish with the simplest way of application.
Here are the products that provide perfect cleaning combination using pressure water;
500 ML Polar Blast for Pre- Washing Process
500 ML Polar Wash for Washing Process
500 ML Polar Seal for High Gloss Finishing Process
If you’re still looking for a foam gun that goes with the pressure water, we highly recommend you to try our Autoglym Polar Collection.
